Data protection declaration

This data protection declaration describes how Aarbakke Innovation collects and uses personal data.
This statement contains information you are entitled to when data is collected from our website and general information on how we process personal data.

Aarbakke Innovation is the data controller for the organisation’s processing of personal data.

1. Client and supplier data

Aarbakke Innovation processes personal data about clients and suppliers in addition to any third parties where this is required to fulfil contract obligations. The personal data that is processed consists mostly of names, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of contacts among the clients and suppliers. The personal data is stored in our CRM and finance system.

2. Personal data in connection with marketing

Any contact forms on the website can be used to contact us. The data subject provides the personal data necessary for Aarbakke Innovation to make contact, and the data subject thereby grants consent for the data to be used. Such personal data may consist of names, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers. The data can not be passed on to a third party without the data subject’s consent. The Administration Manager and the General Manager handle these enquiries. The personal data is not stored if there is no need for further cooperation with the data subject. Fandango Interactive is the supplier of the website and have access to the enquiries that come with the contact forms. The log is deleted once a year.

Google Analytics:

Aarbakke Innovation uses Google Analytics as a tool for mapping website activity. The information that is stored here cannot be traced back to the individual and contains no personal data.

3. Human resources

Aarbakke Innovation processes personal data in connection with human resources. The personal data processed in this context includes biographical data, salary information, assessments, information about next of kin and qualifications. Unsuccessful job applicants will receive a rejection message stating that we no longer require their personal data and that they must reply if they want it to be deleted.

It may sometimes be necessary to send an employee’s CV in connection with job offers and projects. Consent is given by the employee before it is sent and is logged into the project.

4. Data security

Hatteland Solutions AS operates Aarbakke Innovation’s systems on its own servers and thereby stores personal data from Aarbakke Innovation. The collaboration is governed by a data processor agreement, and Hatteland Solutions does not disclose the data to any third parties.

5. Rights of the data subject

Aarbakke Innovation’s processing of personal data is regulated by the Personal Data Act (see also the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

a. Right of access
Upon enquiry, anyone has the right to know what type of personal data processing Aarbakke Innovation performs, as well as basic information about these processes. This information is provided in this data protection declaration.

b. Correction and deletion of invalid personal data
If Aarbakke Innovation processes personal data about you that is inaccurate, incomplete or which it is not permitted to process, you can demand that Aarbakke Innovation correct, supplement or delete such data. Wherever possible, Aarbakke Innovation shall ensure that the error does not adversely affect you, e.g. by notifying recipients about inaccuracies in the delivered information.

c. Data portability
An individual owns his or her own data. This means that you are entitled to transfer your data from one company to another. This right only applies to the information that the data subjects have given to the data controllers. Information or analysis that the data controller has generated based on the data must not be passed on.